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"/> Choice point – Thanksgiving with Family vs More To Life in Spain – Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Choice point – Thanksgiving with Family vs More To Life in Spain

My choice – spending Thanksgiving Day with my family of 50+ members (8 kids can generate a lot of downline) …. or spend 10 days round trip to Madrid, training team and new students of the More To Life program in Spain.

Truthfully, in my heart of hearts, I really wanted to do both. I felt committed to both. I wished they weren't happening at the same time. But they were. So how do I choose? 

Usually I can trust my body to make those kinds of decisions – it has a 'knowing' that I trust (and ain't it about time?). In this case, no distinction was clear enough for me to read. When I talked to my daughter, I was pulled to stay home, plus it's my grandson's 3rd birthday. When I talked to Felipe and Marisa, I was pulled to go to Spain. That was getting me nowhere.

I finally settled down and went back to my purpose for my life – to be a change agent for good in the world. When I put it in that perspective, I could see that showing a roomful of people how they can change their lives in an ongoing way was definitely the way I want to go. Chase could care less whether he even has a birthday party or not. I'll see my family again at our Christmas gathering, get to meet my new nephew, pat the bellies of the two mothers-to-be, and generally catch up on all the news that I don't glean from facebook.

Whew! What a difference it made to be back in touch with my life purpose.  It changes every now and then. And it's up to me to stay current with the deepest part of me – the part that sources my every decision (when I'm in right relationship with myself).

PS  On Thanksgiving Day I intend to have a turkey paella.                                                             Images

PPS  The Spanish More To Life Weekend is November 25-27, 2011 in a beautiful residential venue – La Cristalera.       Spread the word!       (It's being conducted via simultaneous translation.)

3 Responses

  1. Ann McMaster

    Actually, the Spanish have every kind of paella you can imagine, mostly ham, but also chicken, beef, etc. I’m sure they have turkey … 🙂

  2. Truthfully, in my heart of hearts, I really wanted to do both. I felt committed to both. I wished they weren’t happening at the same time. But they were. So how do I choose?