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"/> All the World's a Stage - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


All the World’s a Stage

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts, …
                William Shakespeare

Images This coming weekend, I will be co-leading with William Holt, another of the More To Life program's courses, focused on the masks we wear – the ones we most hope others see when they look at us, and the ones we fear we really are and fervently hope that others never see when they look at us. Tonight the team and I were discussing which masks/roles/dramas that we were going to explore for ourselves this coming weekend.

Naturally, I am going to play as well. It is too good of an opportunity not to take. So I've been thinking. What drama have I been playing to the hilt (on the one hand), and yet, I have lost control over it in the process? The drama is now playing ME, and I am doing it when I don't really want to. So what started out as a strength of mine, has now turned into a detriment to my freedom.

When I told the group what I was thinking – I got an instant, "Oh, YEAH!" from them. So I know I am on the right track … for both dramas. But I'm not going to tell YOU, until after the weekend is over! I promise pictures!

The part I am most excited about is the deliverance from the bondage
of my self-created, self-imposed  dramas. And I won't get that by 'talking about'
them. I get it from the inside out, past my mind's objections, via the *experience* of controlling my dramas, instead of them controlling me.

Truly, I Am Free – and always have been!

(This coming weekend, Houston – 713-838-1100, don't miss it!)

1 Response

  1. Dear Ann – Oh how I wish I could be there. I took that course sometime in the 1980’s with John Coats. Jenny Meadows is bringing you something special from me. Thank you for being so out there in all your Ann-ness and holding up a mirror for me.
    I do so enjoy all your posts and read them all. Vic and I recently started co-authoring a blog (www.thetasteoforegon.com)and I know firsthand now what it feels like wondering how many people are actually reading and their thoughts. I promise to be a more visible reader.
    I now have a pacemaker in place and that has made all the difference in the world. Just finished walking 2 miles with friends.
    Much love, Charles Price