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"/> Shifting Energy - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Shifting Energy

Sometimes there's just a 'feel' in the space around me that things are about to change. I 'know' something's shifting, I'm clueless as to what it is, but the air is different – maybe it's the approaching equinox – who knows? But I feel it in my bones … now … a sense of hope-laden expectation.

A friend and I were chatting about intuition, instinct, sixth sense, etc. … and attempting to clarify what that 'sense' was, how you can tell it from fear-laden mindtalk/wishful thinking/etc.

In fact, the More To Life program has an advanced course called Sixth Sense.  I was fortunate enough to teach that first Sixth Sense course with Brad Brown many years ago. I then took the course myself in Wales (what a glorious place to take a course about our intuition!!!) a few years ago. I truly believe it's inbred in us, and we are either open to it or not.
Here's what's happening … my sixth sense, based on blatant and ephemeral input from my other five  senses, has picked up not just the change in equinoctial light and temperature, but shifts in energy – both individual and group energy. It feels like a building of momentum to critical mass shift – like a tipping point.

Can you feel it?  What are you picking up through all your senses? What shifts in behavior and attitude are you noticing – in yourself and in others – shifts in group mood? Check it out!