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"/> Still-Point - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Today I was multi-tasking like crazy – I had seven major projects on my plate – three of which required Urgent-Time-Serious Attention. The phone was ringing, messages were pouring into my email manager; I was dropping one project as another superceded it, then back to the previous one, then dropping it again for another … adrenaline was running full force.  It all needed to happen before 4pm when I needed to leave to teach the Enrichment Group with Jeanenne Tucker. We were meeting Jennifer Phillips at 5pm to eat and prepare for the participants at 6:30pm.

At 3:50pm, I stopped. I wasn't dressed, I hadn't combed my hair or brushed my teeth. And I stopped. I Images went into my bedroom, my place of solace and restoration, and I sat down on my bed and rested against the pillows … and exhaled. And exhaled again. Stared out my window into my backyard and into the clouds. And I waited to become aware of that still-point – that still-point in me – that still-point that holds all of me in timeless connection to That Which Is.

It's never not there. And sometimes I forget about it. But it's never not there.

It only took a few minutes, but my center of gravity shifted back down from my head to my lower torso, and my breath was deeper and fuller. I was quiet inside. And I calmly got up, brushed my hair/teeth, gussied up for the evening and … out the door. Plenty of time. In fact, I arrived a few minutes early, even in 5 o'clock traffic on 610 – amazing.