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"/> Affirmations - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.



I've chanted affirmations several times in my life. After 6 weeks of nothing happening, it occurred to me that my mind just doesn't buy affirmations. No matter how many times I tell myself that I am a wondrous Child of God, I end up thinking it's going to take 10+ years for me to convince myself of that affirmation – like it's something outside of myself that I am attempting to own from the inside.

However, if I tell myself the TRUTH that I am a wondrous Child of God, then it is a statement that I already own – something I am admitting is already true, and I am declaring what I already know.

I never do affirmations anymore. I am committed to owning the TRUTH about myself, others, and the world around me.

1 Response

  1. Kim McKeehan

    This question is at the pinnacle of my mind these days: how do I live the truth I know? Your eloquence on this matter is helpful. Jan Matney taught me how to do EFT, and at one point during the tapping one is supposed to say “I deeply and completely love and accept myself.” This isn’t always a fit for me, but “I am learning to deeply and completely love and accept myself.” Finding the language that rings true is really important for me to feel the truth. The next thing is always what to do/how to act in order to live into the truth…for me, it is both a big relief and a great responsibility to be a child of God.