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"/> Welcome, Chase Austin Kuhn! - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Welcome, Chase Austin Kuhn!

DSCN0031 Here you are! We have been awaiting your arrival for a couple of years, and now is your time. You have chosen your family wisely. Your mother will be sensitive to your needs and nurturing of your dreams. She will do all in her power to make sure you grow heart-wise. Your father will be protective of your safety and a trustworthy guide until you can assume that responsibility for yourself. He will hold the bar of integrity high for you. Their bond is a deep one. They live honest, real, and loving lives. Listen to them. They have innate wisdom and will have your best interests in their hearts. Your sister is a bright light all on her own. She has already planned to show you how to hook up your car seat and get water from the 'frigalator.'  And of course, you have me and your other grandparents and all our combined families. You have been born into a well of love.

I knew I could love fast and deep, because it happened that way with your mother, when she was a baby; and it happened with Hayleigh, before she was even born. And it has happened again…with you. I feel so connected to you, like the space in my heart has just been waiting for you to fill it. Tonight, I was admiring the way you scooch and make noises until you get into the position you want – and you're only 5 days old – and communicating clearly. You are beautiful to behold. Thank you for gracing us with your presence, and I look forward to being a part of the unfolding of your destiny.

With love for always,
Your Grann

1 Response

  1. Jean Walker

    I love this. It brings a smile across my face and tears to my eyes. You write so eloquently and describe perfectly the immense love that we experience… it fills and overflows from me for my baby, Genevieve, too. Beautiful.