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"/> Addictions - Part 2 - Neurophysiology - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Addictions – Part 2 – Neurophysiology

Images So … now what? I have an immediate neurophysiological response to exercise – specifically to "having" to exercise. My prevailing mindtalk (internal conversation) is – "Nobody's going to tell me what to do (even if it's ME!)  Since being free is one of my most cherished values, when I tell myself that "I have to exercise," I  automatically self-sabotage what I truly want by turning it into a "have to."  "Having" to do ANYthing stimulates that knee-jerk, resistant reaction in my body -  without volition. The stronger the "have to," the more resistant I become. Fundamentally, I have trained my body to be a slave to my addiction – in this case, resistance to having my freedom curtailed. On 'good hair' days, this is simply not an issue.

Just as there is a physical, chemical addiction to crack (cocaine),
there is also a physical, chemical addiction when there are prolonged,
acute, or recurring bouts of panic, negative behavior patterns
(resistance, judgmentalness, hiding out, hyperactivity, etc.), negative
feelings (anger, sadness, hurt, fear, envy, depression, etc.).  Believe me, being resistant to external demands is a behavior that has been acute, recurring, and certainly prolonged —- up till now. While
crack is imminently addictive, highly noticeable, illegal and expensive;
negative behaviors and feelings take longer to be addictive (unless there is trauma – then all it takes is once), are
usually legal, very cheap and eventually written off as "normal" – and
therefore less likely to be as aggressively addressed.

What we
think and believe determine the neurophysiological responses in our
bodies. Candice
has scientifically proven this in her book, The Molecules of
Emotion, and it is emphatically stressed in the More To Life program.
It is also what wise men have been saying, in a different way, for
1000s of years – you are what you think.

As always, only The Truth will deliver me from my addiction/prison/slavery. Do I "have to" exercise? No! Do I truly "Want" to exercise – YES! Because it will deliver me to what I really want – a vital, strong and flexible body, so I can more freely enjoy this life I've been given. And besides all that, I actually enjoy being physical … my body is made for it!

PS No, that is not a picture of me exercising … 🙂