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"/> New Zealand Earthquake - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


New Zealand Earthquake

In the last two years, I have made 4 trips to New Zealand in order to cascade the More To Life coaching program there. In the process, I have become very involved with the lives of many of the Kiwi's. (The Kiwi bird is a national symbol for New Zealand and an affectionate term for New Zealanders.)

Added to that, Clare Vivian-Neal – a transplant from the UK, but the one who most upholds the More To Life program in New Zealand – is my support partner on the More To Life trainerbody. She lives over the mountains from Christchurch (CHCH) and has sketchy internet service at best. So when this last earthquake hit, I couldn't find her on skype, but I did find others. Her part of the island was not damaged, but I wanted to connect with her and see how she was doing – not knowing what was happening with all her family and friends in CHCH.

Finally she got an email through, and we scheduled a time to connect via phone (there are 19 hours difference between NZ and Houston). In the meantime, I had heard from Ulrich Bergler and others as they posted information about who was OK and what was happening. Seeing words on my computer is not the same as hearing someone's voice.

IMG_0177 And I just wanted to hear Clare's voice. We did fine for a couple of sentences, then she stumbled over her words, and we both burst into tears, sobbing our anguish. So much that was unknown and scary. I hadn't realized how tight my chest had been since hearing about the earthquake. The sobbing turned into a kind of laughing-release for being alive and connected, then back to the sobbing again – just letting go of the fear that had been locked in our bodies.

It all seemed more bearable after our conversation – being in touch, washing away the fear with our tears.

Life and death, intertwined – reminding us of what is truly important.

PS I just checked with the latest update from NZ, as of March 5 – 165 have died during this earthquake – two of whom were More To Life students.

PPS The pic is of Clare on one of our many walks this last trip – on the outskirts of Tauranga, NZ.


1 Response

  1. I always learn so much from you Ann. Thanks so much for telling us about this – am sure you touched more hearts than you can imagine. And it’s an encouragement to appreciate those we know and to let them know that. More than that, we need to remember to connect with a phone call more often, instead of relying so heavily on words on the screen. It’s not a physical presence but still – the voice conveys so much more than we realise. When I look at the picture of one who is so precious to you, so small and vulnerable in that landscape… my heart goes out to those who weren’t so lucky this time and who will be missed and mourned by their loved ones.