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"/> Watermelon Seed Spitting Challenge - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Watermelon Seed Spitting Challenge

Unknown This is serious! We have had 7 FunD Runs here in Houston. I won the very first Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest – and deservedly so, as I am a Champion Watermelon Seed Spitter! I have honed my talent since my youth – and at my age now, that is a long time to perfect such an art.

However, I have lost every year since – once to Scott Roy (a ringer from Tennessee), to Judy Elvir (I am convinced I was just having an off-day), and I can't remember the other 4 – convenient memory, eh? Oh, one of those times, I had to leave to catch a plane before they got to the W.S.S.C. event – so that one doesn't even count.

Here's the Challenge – to all of you participating in the Connecting America Fun Run, no matter WHERE you are, be sure to measure the distance (NO CHEATING) from the "line" (start point) to the seed that won your local contest and is the Local Watermelon Seed Spitting Winner. Then we'll compare all the venues and see who wins the First National Watermelon Seed Spitting Championship.Unknown

Just so you know, I've been practicing. I bought one huge watermelon, just for me – picked out all the seeds  myself.  And I'm buying another one this week (kinda hard to find one with seeds these days). My backyard may sprout watermelons galore next year. But, it'll be worth it when I'm polishing my N.W.S.S.C. Trophy. 

Oh, yeah!

PS  On one of my African safaris, the park ranger introduced us to the local sport of Kudu Poop Spitting. Yep, that's right. I was assured that Kudus are vegetarians, and therefore their poop is like a hay pellet – not poisonous, but not very tasty. And truthfully, it is shaped like a bullet, a big pile of hay bullets. I came in third in that Kudu Poop Spitting Contest – but that was because I had limited practice (I'm not completely stupid).

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