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"/> Fun Run - Leadership - Creativity - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Fun Run – Leadership – Creativity

I sit in the middle of two uber-creative groups – the Houston Steering Committee (SC) of the More To Life program and the U.S. Board of Directors of the same organization. I've been a member of the Houston SC for many years and an initial member of the US Board since its inception, December 2009. At our first meeting of the Board, we set ambitious goals and an aggressive schedule for ourselves. We were champing at the bit.

We want to fund two positions, neither of which we can afford. So, instead of complaining that we don't Images have the money, we capitalized on Houston's 7-times-successful FunD Run, nationalized it, and tied it to our very first leadership course – the Art of Creative Leadership. Bold? Absolutely! Creative? Totally! Exciting? You Bet!

Here's the genius of it all. You can sign up either as a participant in the Connecting America Fun Run or as a sponsor of someone (hopefully me). IF you have taken the More To Life Weekend, and if you raise $500+ in sponsorship money, you can take the Art of Creative Leadership for free. And if you have not taken the MTL Weekend, you can do that before November, raise at least $500 in the fun run and still take the Art of Creative Leadership course for free.

Now I ask you, is that creative leadership at work, or what? I find it all personally energizing, requiring me to step up and play fully in an arena that I love!  Not too shabby. AND, we generate good in the world. Our whole mission is to "Awaken people everywhere to the interconnectedness of All Things" – which we know how to do well. Not that others aren't doing their version of making that manifest in the world.

For fun and for the opportunity to make a difference in an organization that makes a difference world-wide, join me – either by running/walking/skipping/dawdling in your own neighborhood, or by sponsoring me in Houston (all proceeds are tax deductible) – preferably BOTH … and come to the first Art of Creative Leadership Course. it looks to be a doozy! Check it out.

PS  Thank you Leslie Pierkowski and Teresa Huskey for igniting that initial spark that got it all moving, and to Randy Partain for managing the fun run and Sherry Merritt for managing the leadership course! WOWZER

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