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"/> Wasting Time ... and Being Fallow - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Wasting Time … and Being Fallow

This is a question for me. When am I really wasting time and when am I being fallow, allowing regeneration of body and spirit?

What I've come up with is that 'wasting time' is my reactive mind's way of discounting the way I spend time. It (my reactive mind) basically demands I be productive all the time, which, as I mentioned in the pImagesrevious post isn't Real Reality.

But what about watching TV? or fooling around on the computer? or reading?  is that fallow enough? or is that just another way to pretend I'm not wasting time?

My answer: it depends! My suspicion is that everyone has their own unique way of maximizing/minimizing fallow time. I used to relax by playing freecell. I would start with one game while I was waiting for a phone call. Then I would play another game after the phone call. Then it would be 4am, and I'm still playing freecell. So what started out as relaxing, ended up being tiring, not regenerative at all. (Have I already mentioned that I have an addictive personality?)

BTW, I don't play it at all these days – that addiction has been de-fanged, thanks to support from Scott Hunter in Knoxville.

Bottom line, like everything else, what starts as relaxing/fallow/regenerative can be abused to the extent that it sabotages the original intent. And what is relaxing to one person can be taxing to another.

PS  'Wasting' my time with freecell required a buildup in order for it to reach a certain level of toxicity – a tipping point – in order for me to 'get it.' So even if I do waste time, in the long run, it all works in the big picture. As always, my awakeness determines the quality of how I spend my time.

1 Response

  1. Ann – I had never come across the word “fallow” until your last two posts. I much prefer fallow to “playing hooky” or goofing off. “Not today, I must retreat to my fallow period.” I will say.
    The following has been on my mind ever since I commented on your Late Night Musing. It is a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to a Mrs. Maria Cosway and is a remarkable and intimate glimpse into the head and heart of this great man. Enjoy during your next fallow.