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"/> Wasting Time vs Being Productive - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Wasting Time vs Being Productive

Coach45 In a skype call with Louise Smith (London) a few days ago, she was looking ahead in her calendar and how much space was in it, and how she was planning to fill in the blanks. Having that much openness in her diary is a novel experience. Wherever there are slots of available time, she fills it. She's very productive and gets a lot accomplished. In fact, she had just taken a day off and was feeling ready to plug fully into more projects – as many projects as she could slot into her PDA.

When we looked at how she had gotten that energized, she realized that it had come from taking a day off. Her day off was preceded by co-training the More To Life Weekend, which is an intensive experience. Productive, fallow, productive, fallow. In exactly the same way that a wise farmer works his fields. When one field has produced fruitfully, it needs time to regenerate the nutrients necessary to be fertile again.

In my past (and still occasionally), I have considered time spent non-productively as a waste of my time, a waste of my life. Eventually my body would rebel and shut me down by getting sick. The sneaky part of me would be relieved. I could go fallow Without Guilt. BUT, as a proponent of good health, I couldn't in good conscience stay down very long. As soon as possible, I would get up and move on.

Mothers (and fathers, but mostly mothers) all over the world know this one. No matter how sick you are, the baby still needs to be fed … which just drags out the healing time.

Bottom line: the world runs on systolic/diastolic, ebb/flow, winter/summer, night/day. So do we – active/fallow (till we become fertile again).

1 Response

  1. Julie

    love the topic, “wasting time” is an issue with me …beating myself up when I’m not as productive as I believe I should be! yet thru trial and error I’ve learned it’s okay to take time off and when I come back I’m more energized and get more out of the moment
    for example…this weekend I’ll hold space for all of you involved in the Houston More To Life Training and I know by taking some time off and by not being on team every time I come back with more energy more willingness and more clarity and I walk away with more in my life from giving myself the gift of time off/fallow/rest