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"/> Visioning - the Caveat - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Visioning – the Caveat

The movie/DVD The Secret, fully explains the power of visioning and how to do it. The message is that if I am really specific about what I want, and I vision it happening, and the vision is sensory and emotionally rich, then it should happen. And if it doesn't, the inference is that there is something wrong with the way I am doing it.

The first issue I have with The Secret is its failure to explain fully the power of counter-visions – the unnoticed, unseen, unconscious visions that are in conflict with the stated vision. It mentions it, but doesn't say how to get through them. That is what I love about the More To Life Program, it teaches how to identify beliefs, intentions, conclusions and decisions that sabotage what you Really Want. And once those saboteurs are identified, then you learn how to counter them, diminish them, get back in alignment with your intentions/visions in a more realistic and viable way.

The second issue that is completely ignored, unaddressed, and even opposed in the movie/DVD is that there is a relentlessly evolving Context – G-O-D/Universal-Truth/Whatever-Else-You-Want-To-Call-It – that is its own Reality … bigger than our personal visions. It is unknowable, unmovable, and cannot be manipulated. It is The Mystery. And in unimaginable ways, IT is a 'FOR' energy (vs. an 'against' energy) – even when we don't manifest our visions.

There are other issues for me about the movie/DVD, but I love the way it explains the power of vision, the necessity of making that vision sensory rich with sights, sounds, tastes, and full of feelings, as if it were already a reality.

So, if my understanding is accurate, one of my purposes in life is to manifest that which matters to me in my heart of hearts, the sacred contract. The more fully I know myself, the more likely I am to be in touch with my deepest yearnings – and it's not money/fame/power. Once I know what I Really Want, then I envision it and power it up with sensory details and physical sensations/feelings. It will also be helpful to purge counter-visions, unconscious demands that it happen My Way (i.e., be unattached to the outcome). Then go for it and see what happens! How exciting is that? 

PS  If I find myself disappointed or worried that it's not happening, I know that my vision is contaminated by fear, that I am attached to the outcome – which means I am subtly, or not so subtly, demanding that God bend reality to MY Will (or else something I won't like will happen). And rarely does God bend reality to match MY Will. When it does happen, it's really in Spite of me, not because of me. Yeah, I'm learning.

The caveat:  I put myself forward. I may or may not get what I want. It
may or may not be because of something I did or didn't do. It may be
part of the journey of faithing.

2 Responses

  1. Pamela Diamond

    Hi Ann,
    Gosh, you are really *talking* to me lately. This is where I’m at in my life – getting clear on what I really, really want. Is there an advanced course in the MTL program that you believe addresses and works on this?
    Love and tight hugs.

  2. Thank you for writing about “the Secret”. I’ve always had an uneasy feeling about the wild unbridled exuberance people expressed for the book and the results it promises. I wasn’t able to quite find the right words for this uneasiness I felt but reading what you wrote here really captures what I was picking up. So thanks!!!
    I have a hunch it was as you said so well “failure to explain fully the power of counter-visions – the unnoticed, unseen, unconscious visions that are in conflict with the stated vision.” Because when I would ask someone constantly hitting the wall with their vision their only response was they had to try harder — only to hit the wall harder and often shrinking back clueless as to why.
    The MTL program does provide remarkable insight that for me provides a sense of calm about ‘making’ the vision versus being ‘with the vision that evolves’.