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"/> A Vision I Didn't Know I Had - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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A Vision I Didn’t Know I Had

A few months ago, I was packing to go to London with Holly O'Dell Davis. About half-way to William and Adriana's home (they were taking me to the airport), I realized I had forgotten to pack my pajamas, and I was going to be sharing a room at least one night, so I wanted my pajamas. Grrrrrrrr. Okay, relax, I can Images

get some pajamas from Adriana…no problem.

Halfway to the airport, I realized that, in the flurry of transferring suitcases, I had forgotten to handle my pajama situation. Grrrrr. I want some pajamas.

There's Holly. We greet. I tell her my pajama problem. She says, no problem, she has a t-shirt I can wear. Okay, relax. My pajama situation is handled. And if I absolutely have to have pajamas, I can always buy some in London. They have them there.

So there we are, standing in line to board the airplane, and someone calls my name over the loudspeaker. I go up to the desk, and they tell me that my designated seat is in the middle of a row of seats they need for a whole family, and would I please mind being upgraded to first class. I say, no problem, but I have a traveling companion, that we planned to work during the flight, and would they please upgrade her also. We wait 10 minutes while they decide, and eventually they say, yes. We are both upgraded to first class. KEWL!

As I am figuring out where to stow my bits and pieces, the stewardess comes up to me and asks if I would like to change. I say no, thinking, "what a weird question to ask." When I turn around, she is handing Holly a dark blue package. I ask what that is. Holly says, "pajamas." Hmmmm. It all falls into place. I understand.

I had very nice pajamas for the rest of my trip – including house shoes, and a very fancy sleep mask. I still have them.

On the one hand, the universe seems capricious. Or maybe I just don't understand how it really works. Or maybe I am being given the opportunity to be grateful – this one was easy…and mysterious…and funny.