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"/> Tonight - 10 February 09 - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Tonight – 10 February 09

ElaineTonight I stood in for Elaine Alpert, a Senior Trainer for the More To Life program. I was leading the
Completion Evening for a group of people who had just completed the More To Life Weekend. Elaine had been their trainer for the course and had already flown back to her home. So, smart me (unknowingly), I started off with a message from Elaine about how much she was still thinking of them, wishing them well, etc. After sharing her message with them, they seemed to slide their affection for her over to me. It was unintentional, but it established a very nice rapport!

The rest of the evening was one share after another about the shifts they have made (and others have noticed) since the course. There was spontaneous clapping, laughter, head nods, and huge grins – lots of camaraderie. It was one of those truly delightful evenings – the participants, their guests, the team and me – we were all "on."  People were still standing around talking an hour after the formal part of the evening was over – reluctant to leave the glow of being with kindred spirits.

After I got home, I lit a candle, thanking God for all the blessings in my life – I walked around my home, holding the candle high, taking stock of how rich and abundant my life is. I love my life – all of it – all the twists, turns, surprises, flat spots, bright spots, downturns and upturns, heart opening, heart slamming shut, seeing opportunities, missing opportunities, being upheld, being resented, being loved and being ignored, crying my eyes out, laughing my butt off, feeling, being numb, savoring the taste of ice cream, bolting my food, making love, incarcerating myself behind an imaginary wall, holding my newborn grandchild, being alone with my best friend while she's dying, my just-right home, my just-right car, my mortgage, hugging my daughter, traveling to exotic places often, having good friends around the world to share my tears and joys – and oh, yes, my excellent health, and sleep deprivation, and being limber, and being sore – for all of it – for ALL of it ….

thank you, thank you, thank you. I am blessed beyond measure.