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"/> Happy Birthday, Troy! - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Happy Birthday, Troy!

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Today, Troy John Kuhn, married to my daughter, Rebecca, and father to Hayleigh and Baby Boy Kuhn (name to be decided soonish, as he is scheduled to make his debut in about a month) celebrates his 36th birthday. I don't have many pictures on this laptop, but I do have some – to give you a flavor of who he is.

Since Rebecca was in her mid-teens, I had an open prayer that she would find her ideal mate. Some prayers do get answered! And I couldn't wish for a better father for my grandchildren. 
He could hardly wait until Hayleigh was big enough to go to the Bass Pro Shop with him – one of their favorite places to hang out – truly.H and daddy Nov 05

As you may have guessed, Troy is an avid hunter and fisherman, which fits in nicely with his job – second in command at Mainstream Marketing – selling hunting, fishing, camping and sports equipment to retailers. He's the kind of guy who goes full bore into whatever he does – whether it's playing the guitar, body-building, bow-hunting, gChristmas 2005 - family picolfing, hockey, bar-b-queing, painting the house, buying a gun safe, helping a neighbor. He even has an artistic flair – designed his own office, and it looks like a professional did it. Yep, he does it all – except for poopie diapers. He turns pale and dry-heaves. And he's not kidding! Vomit, no problem – diarrhea, no way. Which works out great for Rebecca, cuz she's just the opposite (like me).

The thing I resent about Troy is the way he can pack away the food and not gain an ounce – it's just not fair! The thing I like most about Troy is his integrity – he deals fair and square. If he has an issue with you, he'll bring it to you. If you have an issue with him, he'll face it head on.

He's a good man, a good husband, and a good father. I feel blessed to have him as part of my family At the rodeo


        Happy Birthday, Troy!

Hugging Hayleigh

3 Responses

  1. Anna

    Thanks for posting this share – its a true example of the open hearted and caring woman whom I 1st met back at my M2L weekend in June 2005 and more recently in NYC for what I believe was tour de force training. Its lovely to see a little slice of your life and those around for whom you care so much. Anna x