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"/> The Power of Visioning - the Reticular Activating System - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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The Power of Visioning – the Reticular Activating System

One of William Holt's favorite topics – the Reticular Activating System – a diffuse network of nerve pathways in the brainstem connecting the spinal cord, the cerebrum, and cerebellum, and mediating the overall level of consciousness. 

It operates like this:  when I was pregnant, I saw pregnant women EVERYwhere – no matter where I went distended bellies were ahead of me, around me, and behind me. I never saw that many pregnant women before, because my level of consciousness didn't include them. What does this have to do with visioning? Everything!

I was talking to a friend of mine today – she couldn't see any possibilities, except bad or worse. Her level of consciousness was, as we say in the trade, stuck in the box of impossibility. No way could she see a way out – drop the course or go in debt – no other options available. At first, I tried to offer other possibilities – nope, her nerve pathways were consumed with her current vision. No room for an alternate vision. No Way. OK. However, she knows she can be bullheaded (no, this one is not about me). So she kept the dialogue going, until, finally, she began to see a little light, the pathways opened up a bit, more light, more openness, more light – then she started seeing other possibilities – and finally, she saw a way through to continuing with the course, which will eventually lead to more money .. ahhhhh. It only took about 15 minutes. She's a spiritual warrior.Images

On a good hair day, when your Reticular Activating System is in operation, you see options and possibilities where others won't. On a bad hair day, you see blocks and hindrances where others won't. So
if you have a vision that is important to you, envision it – look for it. It may not come in the package you were expecting, but if you are looking, it is more likely you will see it. If you can't even imagine it, it's not that it's not there, it's just likely you'll miss it.

How to power up a vision – next.