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"/> The Wedding - Jenny Meadows and Ian Huddleston - 20 June 09 - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


The Wedding – Jenny Meadows and Ian Huddleston – 20 June 09

P6200049 Here are some moments of a day full of special moments. Lots of food, specialties prepared by many, delightfully consumed by all – and that's Morgan Mathews (flower girl and granddaughter of Jenny) in the foreground.                                                                          P6200148
On the right – Ian giving Jenny the wedding ring. There was a moment when we, as a group,  were caught by the sacredness of this celebration of two people from different parts of the world who managed to find their way to each other.

Below and to the left is a pic of some of the friends and family gathered as witnesses to Jenny and Ian's declaration of their commitment.


The beginning of the ceremony was a reading of some of the well wishes of family and friends from all over the world. Jenny and Ian read some of them, and Tom Parish, Best Man, concluded with a letter Ian wrote about his life.  All of them touching, especially the last one.

P6200093It was a genuine honor to be the officiant joining two people who so obviously love each other, as well as have the spiritual maturity to be true life partners.

Below is an official picture of the husband and wife and me. You can
click on any of the pics to enlarge them … more coming on Facebook.
The wedding ceremony itself was recorded on DVD, intending to be posted
on You Tube, so you can be a part of their new beginning.                                                                 

P6200178 Special mention goes to Lily Parish, Maid of     Honor, Holder of Many Tasks, Baker of both the Groom's Cake and the Bride's Cake, Flower Girl Hair-Braider extraordinaire, Corsage Maker, Music Coordinator, General "Make It All Happen" Person … Sharon's daughter for sure! Here she is, behind the scenes, before the wedding, sorting it all out …


2 Responses

  1. Pamela Diamond

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us out here in cyberspace who didn’t attend the wedding. I’m looking forward to seeing it on youtube, as well. What an amazing time – when people who live halfway across the world can find each other, and in a moment’s time you can share their wedding with people all over the world. Ain’t life grand!

  2. Jenny Meadows

    I just found out from Tom Parish that, unfortunately, the mic and the camera weren’t talking to each other, so there’s no audio on the wedding video; thus, it won’t be on YouTube. Well, not soon, anyway.
    However, we’re taking this opportunity to get creative. Tom’s suggesting that we do a commentary, or director’s cut, and though I don’t want to lip synch, I would like to read the words that are being said. The ceremony was beautiful and moving.
    Once we get some audio, we’ll post it on YouTube.