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"/> Healing Intensive - a pilot project - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Healing Intensive – a pilot project

Page2-img1 I am so excited to be part of a new adventure – a 6 day healing intensive – Living Well Being Well. It is a project dear to Diana Makens' heart. Since she happens to be my support partner, and since healing the body/mind/spirit is a passion of mine, how could I not be involved?

What I really like about it is the combination of a More To Life Weekend and the expertise of 10 practitioners … all focused on healing. So the first 2-1/2 days are the MTL weekend, then another 3 days of working with 10 different healing modalities – all tailored to each person's Well Being. Since the course is limited to 10 participants, there is a lot of time for each person.

Back in my 20s and early 30s, when I was experimenting with every alternative healing method I could put my hands on, and noticing that the same health crises recurred time and again, it finally dawned on me that the mind's stressful thought patterns were largely the Cause of my dis-ease, while the physical dis-ease was Symptomatic. If I kept addressing the symptoms and not the cause, I could be dealing with symptoms and feeling unwell for the rest of my life.

That's when I decided to focus on my mind, ridding myself of lies and half-truths – which were causing stress/dis-ease. Know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free. That really is the Truth! This pilot course addresses the mind AND the body AND the spirit – in the space of 6 days. (And there are two more spaces left.)

BTW:  When I am not feeling FREE, there has Always been a lie somewhere in my system, directly related to my unfree/unease. No Exceptions. Check it out for yourself.

PS To find out more, click on www.livingwellbeingwell.net – all info is on that website. Pass it on. And if you have already taken the More To Life Weekend, you would still take it again. If you haven't, here's an opportunity. Either way, it's a Win!

1 Response

  1. Charles Price

    How wonderful and appropriate that the MTL weekend be the prelude to this. I’m looking forward to reading about it later. My own healing journey took a sudden positive turn about 10 days ago – right after I enlisted several friends in my visualizations you recommended. The blood pressure meds were changed, my walks are virtually symptom free and there is power and purpose in my steps. Thank you and bless you, much love, Charles