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"/> The Undead Issues - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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The Undead Issues

Once I've handled an issue, it should stay dead and buried! However, life doesn't seem to operate like that. Apparently some issues require re-handling to gain deeper understanding and/or a more consistent commitment to behavior that signifies that that issue really is dead and buried.

IMG_8652This last weekend, in a one-day, rock 'em, knock 'em, sock 'em course, Your Evolving Path, we explored old issues that recur, even though they have been put through the Sieve of Truth – more than once. Some of those undead patterns looked like insistence on perfection, relentless judgments, absolute devotion to a fantasy that exists only in the imagination. 

My ego taunts me every time I fail to meet my personal fantasy of being all things, to all people, all the time. My head knows that's totally unrealistic; but dang, wouldn't it be uber-grand to make that illusion into a reality? Otherwise, aren't I settling for mediocrity?

Umm, no! There is a world of difference, truly a World of Difference, between demanding that I live that figment in my head and living my life as a human being … a human being that has a deep purpose for my life, a purpose that orients my choices and my behaviors.

It's the difference between hell and hope. So if that issue rises from the dead again, I shall arise to my purpose, yet again … and again.

PS You can click on the pic for a bigger picture.