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"/> Apartheid - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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I first came to SA in 1990, while Apartheid (an Afrikaans word for racial segregation – literally meaning “apart-hood”) was in full swing. I was here 2 weeks after The Election in 1994 which ended apartheid, then moved here for a couple of years, and have been coming here ever since, co-leading trainings. I love being in South Africa.

South Africa Ann McMaster

Apartheid officially ended in ’94, but it is alive and spreading, officially and in the hearts and minds of human beings in every corner of the globe – individually and corporately. It erodes marriages, relationships of all kinds, communities, organizations and countries – even the do-good-in-the-world foundations.

So here I am, back in South Africa, feeling the bond with Life that is so intrinsic to the birthplace of mankind, pondering how we evolved to this point.  What will it take to really end apartheid?

It starts with my own internal apart-hood – my own against-ness. It sounds like, “I’m too old, too weak, of no more use to the world, on my way out, it’s only going to get worse from here, just waiting for it all to end – no, wait! I have to prove I’m not useless, etc.” That, my friends, is apartheid, alive and well in me, separating mySELF from my own goodwill.