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"/> The King (Snake) and I - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


The King (Snake) and I

6a00e55389e285883401761564c500970c-320wiAt the edge of the souk was a snake charmer, playing his flute (aka pungi) while a cobra swayed to the refrain. I wanted to see it. I'd never before seen a snake charmer. Felipe warned me, "They'll want money." I was good with that.

As I headed in that direction, a guy came out of nowhere and looped a 3-foot snake around my neck. YIKES! I was shocked out of one paradigm (curious about snake charming) and into another (snake around my neck) with no transition stage. (Reviewing my life, that seems to happen a lot! One second it's one way; the next second, it's a different/unplanned/unasked-for way. Life As It Is!)

It was a fairly quick adjustment to my new paradigm, as I got no danger vibes from the snake. In fact, it was sluggishly unperturbed about where it was hanging; it might even have been drugged, or blissed out on the sun. 

So with my new compadre, I ventured closer to the cobra and the other little piles of snakes on the rug. This time I was keeping a very watchful eye on everyone, making sure no one hung a cobra (or any of those other snakes) around my neck. The cobra vibes were not friendly – definitely not friendly. So I kept as much distance from the cobra as I saw the others keep. After a few exhales, I settled down and my curiosity had me hanging out with snakes, enjoying this new phenomenon.

Truly fascinating. And I got to know for sure that I am not ophidiophobic (afraid of snakes – and yes, I had to look it up too, but I like the way that word rolls off my tongue!).

3 Responses

  1. Jean Higgins

    I had a similar experience in India. I used to not be afraid of snakes but in recent years I notice that I’ve become a lot less comfortable. Not afraid exactly..just don’t want them in my territory. Wonder what that’s about? (Maybe I’m in their territory? living on the edge of the desert, they here before me). Anyway yesterday morning I looked out and saw a king snake having a drink out of the pool. Will u come get him Ann?

  2. Jenny

    Though having a snake suddenly drooped around my neck is not my idea of fun, I enjoy the way you wrote this piece, including the healine and the vivid story. And yep, ophidiophobic is delightful to say!