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"/> Space - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.



A couple of times a year, New Year's Eve and my birthday, which are conveniently 6 months apart (winter and summer soltices also work), I have an intention to review my life – checking to see if I still want to do what I am doing, be how I am being. Or are there things I am doing/being that I want to let go of, or pursue more vigorously, or tweak in some way. A mini-personal-retreat. 

Am I tending to my body/mind/spirit/personal environment/finances? Are my relationships where I want them to be? Am I on track with my calling/destiny? Am I pulling back or pushing forward – or am I operating from that middle place of being realistic about my true limits/boundaries/priorities, while stretching into that which calls me forward?

One of the things I concluded from my mini-personal-retreat this time was to create more Space in my Image001 life – Space to dream, Space for family/friends … Space. To that end, I have decided to make more physical space in my home by shedding years of accumulated detritus. I have way too much Stuff – Stuff I don't use, Stuff I don't need, Stuff I don't even like (clothes, old vitamins, cosmetics, kitchen gadgets, boxes in the attic that I haven't opened in a decade or more).

Space works on a lot of levels. Unencumbered space in my environment has an impact on my mind … clarity. I have given myself 6 months (some space) to make this happen amongst all my other responsbilities. Then we'll see what pops up at my Winter Solstice mini-personal-retreat.

1 Response

  1. Woohoo! I love that you are doing this, Ann! Is there some way I can help?
    (I wondered why this gets me so excited and happy, which started a clearing out of some of my internal stuff I no longer need. Thanks!)