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"/> The Power of Love - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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The Power of Love

You and I are being taught and reminded of this power every
day.  For instance, I remember standing at a cash register with Bill
Boothe and the cashier was making one mistake after another. While I
was getting more and more heated and separated from her, Bill looked her in the
eyes and in a most compassionate voice said, "you look like you’ve had a
hard day." A tear rolled down her cheek. I felt
chastened, not by Bill, but by the healing power of love in action in that
moment. That moment sticks with me to this day, just as the one with Brad
Brown (co-founder of the More To Life Program) sticks with me also.  He and I were walking down a street in Berkeley, CA,
heading to a restaurant. There was a ‘bum’ on a wooden box,
begging. While I was pretending not to see this human being, Brad walks
up to him, asks his name, and proceeds to have a conversation with the
man. He talked to the ‘bum’ as if he were a peer – wondering how he got
to this place in his life and where he wanted to go, how he planned to get
there, etc.  There was not a single note of condemnation, nor idle
curiosity, only heart to heart connection. I just stood there and learned
… about the Power of Love inherent in every moment of our lives, if only we
would notice and plug into it more.

Since my granddaughter’s birth, and now the imminent birth of my grandson, even more do I want to live from love, mostly because it is my birthright,
and also because I want to model what that looks like for them and their peers. We just might REALLY change the world!