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"/> The First MTL Professional Coaches - US - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


The First MTL Professional Coaches – US

It finally happened! November 2, 2008, Houston, Texas, eleven ordinary people who have gone to extraordinary lengths to pursue their dream made it happen. It has also been my dream for 10 years – to capitalize on the advanced skill-set of some of our More To Life students to benefit others. These eleven MTL students have attended the More To Lfe Weekend, the Power of Purpose course, the Way of a (Spiritual) Warrior, Coaching Essentials, and the Professional Coaching courses – not to mention they are all excellent facilitators – skilled, intuitive, sensitive and bold.

Coaching pics - group photo-Janet

If I wanted support/coaching about Anything in my life – creating my dreams, facing something I felt concern about, or simply improving the quality of my life – I would put myself iCoaching pic - diana and anne bn any of their hands without question.

The eleven are:
Anne Bauer – Alabama
Janet Cohen – Texas
Sylvia Hebert – Texas
Kirsten Johnson – Texas

Peter Kiss – Alabama
Cindy Lebow – New York
Diana Makens – California
Leslie Pierkowski – Texas
Tracey Taul – Texas
Dreena Tischler – Texas
Pauleen Ward Brown – New York

Congratulations all of you!

BTW, all of these coaches are available by phone and skype … take advantage of their expertise, fast-forward your life without losing yourself in the process!

PS  The South African professional coaches will be completing in February, 2009, the UK coaches will be completing in March … Yee HAA!

1 Response

  1. Dreena Tischler

    Hi Ann. Thanks for sharing the big news and the oh-so-flattering photo! How come I was the only one who saw that ghost behind the photographer?