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"/> Star Wars Analogy - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Star Wars Analogy

Our family has a Christmas tradition – to see a morning movie during the holidays. This last Christmas, we chose The Rise of Skywalker. Full confession, I cried during so many parts of this movie

I didn’t question the tears, I just let them fall (very relieved to have had enough tissues). Afterwards, I wondered what it was about this movie that touched me so much. My conclusion so far – two themes.

Theme 1 – witnessing anyone digging deep into their own core, springing loose the part of them that brings the fullest extent of their essence to a moment in time. A Moment of Destiny. Inspiring. Hope-bringing. Modeling the magnificence of the Human Spirit. Many moments of that in this movie, by many of the characters.

Theme 2 – the battle between the forces of “good and evil” – the one that is played out between the “Evil Empire” and the “Good Rebels” – AND, more importantly, the one played out between our ears – the ego desire for omnipotence/domination and the spirit of freedom. Freedom to BE. Freedom to follow my heart. Faith in my journey… and yours …. and our common destiny. Hope for my consistent evolution to my Higher Self. Love … for who I am … for who you are …. AS IS.

Personally, I believe in our common journey, in our One-ness – as Human Beings, as a vibrant part of this living orb in the vastness of space.

1 Response

  1. Sarah Lopez

    Our family all has a Christmas Day movie tradition. While we have bee Star Wars since the beginning, I have not seen recent sequels. Thanks for the recommendation, particularly during this time of being safer at home.
    Many blessings,