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"/> Spiritual Wellbeing - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Spiritual Wellbeing

Vanessa (I have her permission to share this), a member of the Durban More To Life Weekend team, has natural presence and exudes an innate power, yet she was acting obsequiously, avoiding our eyes, being "busy" – except when she forgot and genuinely connected. So I asked her about that dichotomy. She traced it back to an innocuous moment when, at age 4, the youngest in the family, she concluded she was not important, of no value. That program lived like a Trojan virus in her bio-computer, undermining her spiritual wellbeing – her sense of belonging in the world. After it was "outed," she physically felt the difference. Nothing was different in her exterior world, but her interior world had shifted, and she was re-connected to her inborn spirit – which changes everything. Boldness was back in her eyes.

I have a very good friend, Sophie Sabbage, who also knows about Spiritual Wellbeing. She went from "about
3 months to live" to, 11 months later, being free of multiple cancerous tumors in different parts of her body and a reduction of the original tumor by approximately 65%. I recommend reading her blog if you want a real life example of a Spiritual Warrior facing a life/death scenario, head on. Her writing is gritty, real, humorous, inspiring. Visit her blog, sophiesabbage.com. Suggestion: start at the beginning.