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"/> Neglect and Another Lesson Learned - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Neglect and Another Lesson Learned

imagesOK, here’s the deal. My blog has been neglected for about a year. Sporadic posting, but my heart went out of it when I went through 3 different website designers before I found someone who understood what I wanted and had the magic to make it happen. Thank you, William Spencer.

When I notice a downward slide in my commitment in one area, looking around, I will usually find other areas of my life where I’ve slid down. And so far, it seems to start with neglecting some commitment to my body/mind/spirit – yep, so far, every time.

Ugh! Not a pretty survey. The starting point was last April, in the hospital for 12 days, not including the previous 3 days of double flu, infection, kidney failure and dehydration. Health becomes The Priority very quickly when death looms.

A year of healing my body, managing the essentials and putting my blog on the back burner – lesson learned. Do not neglect the wellbeing of the body, which is directly related to the wellbeing of the mind and spirit.

PS It wasn’t really so much about not finding good website designers, it was about focusing on my health. And now I’m back and more realistic about what I say Yes to.