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"/> Plan A - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Plan A

Images I always have Plan A – a strategy for getting what I want … "My Plan." Whether or not it is consciously conceived is a moot point. The important factor to understand is that I always have Plan A … one that I think will work best for everyone involved. Truly, I believe it to be magnanimous for everyone (especially me).

The most important factor for Me to understand is that my Plan A rarely coincides with THE PLAN. So I figure my job is to put forward my very best Plan A, then see what happens. Which part (if not all parts) of Plan A get tweaked, obstructed, mushroomed, diverted, subverted, consumed, expanded by THE PLAN. Taking all these tweaks, etc. into consideration and making adjustments to accommodate all the repercussions morphs Plan A into Plan B.  And that cycle seems to continue forever … Plan B morphs into Plan C ad infinitum.

In a way, it's like being a participant in Improv (theater slang for improvisation) for my whole life. Except that THE PLAN seems to have a consistent message to it – requesting/requiring my growth: to be more aligned with Reality, more true to my essence, and more loving/lovable with others. Just that.

Bottom Line:  Plan A gets the ball rolling – it's important to put myself out there, to get into the game.

PS  Tonight my Plan A was to support my daughter by taking care of the kids while she did some work from home; then, as soon as they were in bed, scuttle home and write my blog. My Plan A morphed into Plan B when Troy (Rebecca's husband) came home from a business dinner, and I had the unexpected pleasure of an animated discussion with him. If I hadn't gone for Plan A, Plan B wouldn't have happened, and I'd be poorer for it.