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"/> Passion and Serenity - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Passion and Serenity

ImagesAs an ever-evolving human being, my intent is to stay aware of the cutting edge of my own growth. It is what I teach, preach and live (except for those Bad Hair Days, of course). Over the past 30 years, I have honed my Spiritual Warrior energy, passionate about my vision for what's possible for myself, for the people with whom I connect, and for playing my part in creating an inheritable world for our children (and specifically, my daughter and grandchildren) – who are our future.

I really love my passion. I feel alive and up and out, totally Involved in the moment. Serenity is something I aspire to add and integrate. Can I be passionate Images-1 AND serene at the same time? How do I combine a Spiritual Warrior and a Dalai Lama? At first blush, they seem opposites.

Lucky for me, I have a constant model of Serenity in my daughter Rebecca. She was born that way – with a deeply embedded river of serenity, quiet and vibrant, at the same time. I feel easy and safe around her, soaking up that underlying easiness that radiates from her. And it's not just me, I see others gravitate towards her and just hang out. My support partner, Diana Makens also is a role model, with her unique blend of wisdom and faith. I am so fortunate in having these two women in my life – both highly productive, low maintenance, serene.

In order for me to achieve that deeply serene quality, I suspect it will require me to embody a deeper level of Faith – more faith in mySELF, more faith in the journeys of my pathmates, and more faith in the Ultimate Goodness of IT ALL … perhaps substituting the Sword of Truth for the Heart of Truth. 

I'll keep you posted. 


3 Responses

  1. Lisa Kane

    Not so sure I want you to put down that Sword of Truth. Can you hold it with your heart?!

  2. Jenny

    Hmmm … Lisa and Ann … perhaps Plowshares of Truth?!
    Faith, trust, letting go of the outcome; seems like they all lead to serenity while releasing the energy of passion.

  3. Hi, Ann. After seeing your post about zip lining in Costa Rica I thought you’d be fun to hike with–I plan to hike in Zion Nat’l Park in September and I want company. Then after reading this post I suddenly wanted to ask if you’re interested in going. Might be just me. Might be a group. Interested?