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"/> The Numinous at Work in Our Lives - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


The Numinous at Work in Our Lives

Scene: Soper’s Hole, Tortola, British Virgin Islands, snorkeling

First wake-up – the water here is either deep deep blue or see-through turquoise – exactly like postcards, which I’d previously suspected had been photo-shopped. Nope. The color of the water is real … real crystal blue, real see-through turquoise. Not cold. Refreshing. Perfect.

Second wake-up – the world under the surface of the water is truly alive…teaming with fish (big, medium, little, tiny), coral, sea fans and more – everything in myriads of shapes and colors. I knew all this intellectually, but having a visceral experience is a different dimension altogether.

Third wake-up of many – all at the same time: my snorkel mask clouded, my snorkel pipe came off and my left fin came undone. Keeping the waves from stealing my breath, sorting my issues – I struggled, the beginning of panic. Karen signaled the other 4, fixed my mask, Peter held me up while I caught my breath, Bill made a temporary fix on my fin, Diana took my crippled fin, made it work, gave me one of her good fins.

My gift – confirmation of “being held” – this time by my 4 friends and the water. Every time by the numinous at work in all our lives.

What are some of your experiences that could have been disastrous but weren’t. In fact, in hindsight (or maybe even at the time) seemed nothing short of miraculous? What if we told and re-told the “Wonder” that has and is happening in our lives? What if the news did?

PS  The pic was taken through my boat window.

2 Responses

  1. Cecillia

    Ann, thank you for starting my day with these inspiring pictures (the photograph, but especially the ones you paint with your words) of nature and friendship and wonder. And thank you for the invitation to remember miraculous moments.

    One night I made a dash out to look for a last-minute birthday present for a friend. It was dark and misting rain and cold (by Houston standards), and I didn’t think anything of it, until my car went dead (and wouldn’t re-start) as I was making a turn from a side street onto a main highway. As I struggled to turn without power steering and hoped I could coast out of the traffic into the safety of a parking lot, I saw another vehicle pull up behind me, effectively guarding my back. And the driver didn’t stop with that act of kindness. It turned out that he was a mechanic, and he quickly diagnosed the problem, went to the auto supply store for an inexpensive part, and then installed it while I visited with his wife and children. I wanted to keep that man’s number forever so, of course, I promptly lost it. But I remember him, his kindness, and his warm (and patient) family. And when I remember, I send up a tearful and heartfelt prayer for that gracious stranger and all those dear to him.