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"/> IT ONLY TAKES ONE - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.



Scene: Hotel room, London, packed house, More To Life Weekend, a few years ago.

Someone shared the following, paraphrased from my memory – “I want to make a difference. I know I can. But any difference I make will only be consumed by the darkness of the collective. So I don’t see the point of even attempting to buck the system (of darkness).”

I could see her point. Power, greed, corruption, “evil-doing” is what we hear about on the television and on internet news feeds. If something positive is reported, percentage-wise, it’s negligible … a distorted representation of How Life Is.

To make it visceral, I asked the team to turn off all the lights – pitch black in the room. I asked someone with a lighter to flick it on. Silence for a few seconds. Everyone! Everyone couldn’t help but look at the light – at the one light in the surrounding darkness. It was the total focal point. There was no-thing else to see.

Every day I see acts of kindness, reaching out to others in need, support sought and granted. When I’m resentful, I’m not seeing the whole person, the light they are. When I watch the news, I’m not seeing the whole picture, only what sells advertising.

From a physics point of view, dark is a form of light whose spectrum is invisible to the human eye. Theoretically, what if that which we determine to be dark is awaiting our awakening … our ability/willingness to see the light? In myself, in you, and in Life As It Is. It only takes one to make a breakthrough.


12 Responses

  1. Jenny Meadows

    How brilliant of you (notice the reference to light) to think to turn off all the lights.

  2. Ellen

    Or be the light! Even if turning on your blinker to turn in busy traffic. Everyone CAN choose to be the Light! Love & Light!

  3. Sarah Lopez

    Thanks for your ongoing, heartfelt iinsights and commitment to share the gifts and challenges of LIFE.

  4. Johnene

    Wow!! I love reading your posts!! This imagery resonates with every fiber of my being! I have experienced the light illuminating my darkest parts to reveal beauty yet to be discovered!! I am grateful for your words, wisdom and love to share.