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"/> Now They are Four - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Now They are Four

Here is the updated family constellation – Rebecca flew through the birthing process, thanks to her own constitution and to the skill of the hospital staff at Hermann Memorial West. Troy was on hand to video Baby Kuhn (that's right, he hasn't informed his parents what his name is yet), and he got to help the delivery, cut the cord, and generally participate in the whole process. It wore him out! :)  Hayleigh and my brother, Mike, and I got to hang out for a few minutes, while the actual birthing took place. And Yes, he is gorgeous, looking a lot like Hayleigh did when she was first born. He weighed in at 6 lbs, 7 ozs; 18.75 in long; and a 9 on the Apgar scale.  He is already raising his head, he's already peed on his own shirt, and he's already charmed us all.

Here he is, not yet fully cleaned, but sated. Once he was cleaned up, we were shocked to see he has gobs of brown-gold, curly hair – beautiful, like Troy's dad.   


The picture below is Big Sister, Hayleigh,taking pics of Little Brother with her very own digital camera!              


When there was a quiet space, I got to hold my grandson on the pretext of burping him.

There is nothing that rights my world like having a baby on my chest. That is one of the times I have permission to be totally present – in this case to myself, my grandson, and that moment in time/space. I found myself purring like a cat, feeling the reverberation in my torso. The world distilled down to its simplest and most elemental nature – the giving and receiving of unconditional love.