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"/> My Insurance Conundrum - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


My Insurance Conundrum

General Rule:  if I have a chronic medical problem, insurance companies won’t insure me … unless I pay exorbitant rates; which, if I could afford to do so, would likely mean that I wouldn’t need insurance. If I don’t need insurance, the insurance companies are happy to insure me. Doesn’t that mean that, if insurance companies Do insure me, then they are betting I won’t cost them money, and I’m betting I will.

Wouldn’t my unconscious reliance on insurance companies make it easy not to take radical Imgres responsibility for my own health? That would free me up to eat irresponsibly, not exercise, skimp on sleep, and stress out. That seems handy. I can indulge my addictive taste buds and my sloth and screw with my priorities – thereby, eventually, winning my bet. But isn’t that really losing?

At the helicopter level, something seems contextually Off about the way this whole scenario is set up. AND, isn’t it US who set it up and keep maintaining it? And isn’t this a systemic issue in our culture – trying to ensure protection from ‘bad things.’ What if ‘bad things’ are door ways to our nobility?  To our deep caring for one another? To our faith in the Goodness of Life Itself?


17 Responses

  1. Yes, indeed it is a conundrum with no easy answers. Thank you for this thought provoking, inspiring post. The other challenge is the “cost” of services under this scenario. Excellent care in other countries is about 1/3 the price of the identical service/procedure/medication here in the US.

  2. Angela Clark

    One of the dilemmas I faced in providing full health care coverage for my employees was NOT being able to hold them accountable for their health habits. While I could suggest and question and in meetings I would even ask “What are you doing to improve your health” in light of CRR paying for your coverage? While I likely had an internal demand going on, so likely wasn’t being very enrolling, I still meant it in a loving, genuine caring way, not wanting my employees to suffer at the hands of their own demise (so to speak). And fair enough, there are some that have more of a battle with their health than others so I don’t mean to judge EVERYONE in the country.
    It’s sad that so many folks just think they can continue having fast food and soft drinks and other poor diet choices and then wonder why the have diabetes or need Zoloft, etc. Sometimes I just wanted to pull my hair out in frustration. Too bad insurance quotes aren’t based on people’s actual health situations. Every company would simply quote for the entire company and the premiums were based mainly on those whom had prexisting conditions. WHAT ABOUT THOSE OF US THAT HAVE NO CURRENT HEALTH ISSUES? You are so right Ann, insurance – and these are my words, not yours – is such a scam. Solely based on fear and folks buying into that fear. Frankly I had to just about force Robert to get health insurance and sometimes I think it does mentally invite illness. Once you buy into the scam, you’re allowing your mind to believe that something could invade your being. Ok, I’ll stop now… uhhhh… don’t get me stawted! Love to you!

  3. I got better health care when I lived in S.Africa than I do here – at much less the cost, with medical docs working with chiropractors and naturopaths, etc. The goal was about healing, not money.

  4. Carol Brom

    Actually, I think SINCE medical-aids have become ‘fashionable’, i.e. the ‘soophisticated’ thing to do, more people have become more sick! There is something called Iatric Disease which is CAUSED by medication! We are overmedicated by doctors who are scared if they don’t ‘follow the ropes laid out’in the textbooks, zealously, they will be sued. For instance a lot of paediatricians have their reputations made or broken mothers’ tea-parties, as the one who tried to treat the child properly, with a more natural and common-sense approach, but which took longer for a (permanent) cure, was not valued and the one who prescribed antibiotics so that the child recovered quickly for that bout (never mind that he got it not again, but invariably worse, not long after that period of dosage was finished, was held in great respect! No one takes responsibility for their own health like before this mad fashion.
    My children by the way, have NEVER had antibiotics yet, and are aged 39 and 31. Plus they don’t suffer from allergies either. I have always taken them to a homeopath first, and so NEVER needed more than that!
    My own mother always tried practical home remedies first and only took me to a medical doctor when at age 6/7 I contracted pneumonia from riding in the back of an open truck, facing the wind instead of against the wind, in the Free State. She never had a medical-aid, whereas my cousins were always at the doctor’s and have had a terrible history of medical treatment.
    People think that they have to get their money’s worth when they are on a medical-aid, so going to the doctor for any reason they then come away with Iatric conditions. So the cycle goes round and round.

  5. Carol Brom

    A few typos in the above, my children are 29 and 31 (not 39!); and it should read: “got it again”, instead of “not again”.

  6. Thanks for your stirring shares Ann…
    With so many in a numbed state, being passionate about sharing MTL is a wonderful opportunity to be a part of spreading the benefits of “waking up”, and, not all want to be woken up. I am committed and passionate about playing my part to share the benefits of good mental, physical health. It is never too late! Just ask me, I am a prime example!
    It is mind boggling how our systems work… and I am working to raise awareness through MTL and through my work with Zija. Mental & physical health go hand in hand.

  7. Wow! very informative post! I was actually looking for blogs discussing about insurance when I stumbled across this post. I find it really interesting to even read more of your previous articles. Thank you for sharing this information to the public as it can be of great help for sure. 😉 Great article though, hope you would continue posting related articles about insurance as I am honestly an enthusiast to knowing this as well… 🙂

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