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"/> And I Say, Thank You! - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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And I Say, Thank You!

I dashed out to my car this afternoon to roll my windows up (well, push the button), because the sky turned dark. Rain looked imminent.

There was a stranger peeking into my backyard. Ever curious, I asked, "May I help you?"
Stranger, "I was wondering where this water was coming from."
Me, "Ah, yes, I was going to check it out today and forgot." (Actually I had been hoping for the problem to go away without me having to do anything. Having had 2 floods (water heater, refrigerator) in my house this last December, I was beginning to wonder if I had been mistaken for Noah.)

Stranger, "Well, let me take a look at it."
Me, "OK, great!"

Hiring-a-plumberFive minutes later, he had found the leak and fixed it temporarily, saying, "I'll be back tomorrow with my tools and change out your faucet. I just started dating your next door neighbor, and I'm a plumber." 

Me, "Did God send you?" (He looked startled, then smiled.)

Reviewing the experience: I did hope for the problem to go away without me having to do anything. It looks like it IS going away without me having to do anything. Hmmmm. Temptation: try to figure out how that happened, so that I can repeat it every time I want something. Actual choice: express my full delight in this serendipity happening and be thankful … thankful for the stranger/plumber and for the previous 2 floods which initiated a make-over in my home (still in process).

(Sneaky thought, "See, I AM treasured!" Truth: I am treasured, regardless of what happens. And it was easy to believe today. The test is for me to believe it when it's not easy.)