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"/> More on the Power of RAS (reticular activating system) - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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More on the Power of RAS (reticular activating system)

I think it's impossible not to engage the Reticular Activating System. The mind either holds images which are consciously chosen by the creative mind or images which arise, unbidden, from the reactive mind. Either way, the RAS is discarding information that is contrary to the current vision (noise) and feeding information that might be applicable.

When I'm on a roll, I see potential everywhere – doors open, unexpected assistance comes my way, life is good. When I claimed the coaching initiative (for the More To Life program) as mine to own, I had a crystal clear vision for More To Life students all over the world bringing their expertise to other students, lives being transformed like blooming flowers – both coaches and coachees. People came forward, research flowed, time-lines happened … truly, it was fun and exciting and innovative and powerful. Yes, the journey had its ups and downs, but the vision in my mind was vibrant and compelling. I could 'see' it. And I could feel it.

Images Then there are the times when my RAS has images that are vibrant and compelling … and scary or depressing. Some days just seem to suck from the beginning. Nothing goes right – things break, people aren't home, everybody's in a bad mood, it's raining, my car gets a flat. All I see and hear is yucky. Nothing even tastes good. My RAS is in full alert – confirming my current point of view (my vision) with more yucky input. If someone else happens to be in a good mood, I get in a worse mood by either discounting their good mood or comparing myself and coming up short … either way works.

RAS – Life As IT IS! And again, I get to choose my images consciously and make them sensory rich, resonating with feelings. When the unwanted images take over, I get to choose how long I will wallow in those images (or I can choose different images – heart-felt and realistic). I really am at choice. And so are you.