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"/> Making a YOU TURN - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Making a YOU TURN

In a chat with my friend Eddie, this phrase popped up in the conversation. I really like this phrase – especially for those of us who are committed to serving the Greater Good… whether it’s volunteering for non-profits, or youth teams or religious institutions or shelters for the homeless, the battered.

I’ve been involved with a non-profit, Kairos-More To Life Foundation, for over 30 years. This program matters hugely to me, as it offers the opportunity for real life changes in a matter of a weekend. These radical changes are implementable at will, on demand, every time the skills learned in the weekend are practiced.

As a professional psychotherapist, when I saw what could happen in a roomful of strangers in one weekend, I knew I wanted to be part of this experience. It no longer seemed “enough” to treat people one on one, when I could be part of an awakening that put the power of conscious change in the hands of anyone wanting to take radical responsibility for the quality of their own life.

The trick for me was not to be swallowed by my own dedication. In order to serve the big picture, it often requires a YOU Turn, just to make sure YOU haven’t abandoned yourSELF in the process. Are YOU taking radical responsibility for your own body, mind, spirit, finances? If not, what course corrections do YOU want to make to ensure that YOU are healthy enough in every aspect to serve in a way that is spirit-filled?

12 Responses

  1. Beth

    Indeed, Ann, I am finally taking a U-Turn in my life and putting myself FIRST thanks to your constant reminders that I enlarge my SELF-circle. What I find is that people who are used to me giving giving giving to them and their context are not happy about it, and it requires that I lean into compassion for them and for me.

  2. susan woodhouse

    Love this Ann it is perfectly written. thank you again as always your wisdom is profoundly supportive. love to you.

  3. Pamela French

    Truth personified! Thank you my friend for your wisdom and nudges that helped me zip thy lips and open my heart! The more I put me first in my life the more I am able to give to others! My yes to participate is very conscious and deliberate! I am truly enjoying who I am and whose I am! Many blessings!

  4. Deedee Mitchell

    More to life (AKA Life Training) changed my life direction. I am forever grateful for how it helped me see my own responsibility in this experience we call living. I recommend it to anyone at any stage of life. And my You Turn was more about learning what I had to offer and how to go in the right direction. Thank you Ann Mac for all you gave me and give to others.

  5. Pam

    Love this Ann, it’s so timely. I often find that there are many challenges in the world that I want to commit to but what’s happening at home needs my attention. One more time You reminded me. Pxx

  6. IT’S SUCH A TWO-WAY SWORD …. if life is only about ME, then I never quite feel satisfied. And if it’s mostly about others or the bigger picture, then I end up resenting that which previously I had such passion about.