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"/> Being Positioned/Taking a Stand - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Being Positioned/Taking a Stand


Being Positioned sounds like – I’m right, You’re wrong … I know how you and “it” should (or shouldn’t) be … I say NO to all lifeshocks that indicate any difference of opinion – relentlessly glued to a point of view that is fed by some form of fear.

Taking a Stand sounds like – I claim my place in the Big Scheme of Things, I am organizing my life around my stand, I say YES to all lifeshocks that reveal doors I hadn’t seen before – tenaciously resolved to embrace my journey which is fed by faith in the ultimate well being of the Greater Good.

Corporate examples of being positioned – far right/far left politics, labor/management, environmentalists/industry, allopathic/homeopathic– no compromise, no willingness to validate a counterpoint.

Personal examples of being positioned – CrossFit is The Exercise,  intermittent fasting is the only way to go. More To Life is the Best of the Best when it comes to living life to the fullest.

Personal examples of Taking a Stand – I’ve tried other forms of exercise, and so far, CrossFit works the best for me, for now. Therefore I’ve committed to twice a week CrossFit classes. I do have other options. I’ve tried several different diets, intermittent fasting is the easiest and most effective for my lifestyle. In 40+ years of taking courses for my psychotherapy license, the scope and richness of the More To Life program still resonates the deepest.

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