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"/> Lily Parish - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Lily Parish

Ann - Lily I am here in South Africa with Lily Parish. A dream which became conscious a year ago, when she and I were kibitzing about her senior year – what her senior project might be. Somehow, the subject of South Africa came up, and she wistfully mentioned how much she had enjoyed her trip to South Africa with her mother (Sharon), when she was 12.

We hatched a possible plan – for her to come with me in August, 2009 – which is now. This trip has been a year in the making. Her senior project is morphing as we speak.

What amazes me is how she can take a plan, flow with events and opportunities as they arise and fall away, and still maintain her central theme – a lot like her mother – and her father.

Lily is now 17, 5'10" tall, and a graceful young woman. Since we sat in coach class, her knees were jammed up against the seat in front of her. So she is now dubbed "L-Cubed" … for Lily Long Legs!

My oh my, how she has grown up – literally and figuratively!