Life Markers
The other day, I was reminiscing in my “way back” life. There are 3 people who divided my life into “before” and “after”.
- Anne Barnett, my therapist mentor, who was dogged in her intent to drag me out of my rut (basically a grave, with the ends kicked out).
- Brad Brown, my mentor, who was relentless in believing in me, when I did not, compelling me to believe in The Truth and in mySELF.
- Who started it all – my daughter, Rebecca, who shifted my concept of unconditional love to a visceral experience, opening my heart wide – to the aching point, again and again. Unconditional love, emanating from inside me – for so many and so much. She offered the door through which I stepped – fundamentally charging my heart to do what it is designed to do.
I’m different now. I access my body/mind/spirit in an “at home” way. I’m more awake to mySELF, to those I love and those I meet. I have nothing to prove to anyone about anything. I’m also 80. That helps. I learn and refine who I am by all the mistakes I make – continuously – and mostly by sticking with what is real Reality. That IS how I evolve, sloughing off the non-Ann.
What has helped vastly is my “tribe”. We want the best for each other. It’s a heart-felt knowing that we are in this epic adventure together – each with our own destiny and our own part to play, which culminates in a world of connection – to ALL Everything/Everyone.
I feel tearful about the miracles in my life, my family/friends, the interactions that have engaged my spiritual essence to come alive.
Gratitude. Thankfulness. Blessings. The words are small, the feelings are H U G E.
What are the markers in your life that changed your life?