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"/> LAID OFF? or SET FREE! (PLAN B) - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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The Laid Off or Set Free Workshop that was supposed to happen today has been postponed to Saturday, 21 March.

As it turns out, once I got home, my 'chapped lips' had turned into a shingles-type of viral infection that spread like wildfire – from my nose down. So there I was, swollen jaw, itching like crazy, sporting a clown-like mouth. And what I had thought was an allergic reaction to essential oil turned out to be the same thing – except that the rash was on my thighs, knees and chest. I was an itchy, swollen, red rash mess!

This morning I went to see my favorite chiropractor-internist-acupuncturist-homeopathic doc- Dr. Tim McCullough. And the relief was almost immediate.

So what is the message to me?  Same one. Which surprises me, because I had thought I was handling the extensive travel schedule very well (New Zealand, S.Africa, Minneapolis – in six weeks time) – taking extra time to walk and more time to rest than normal. Ok, I got it – more recoup time.  AND, I am very thankful this shingles-thing waited until my trainings were all complete (for this cycle).

Shapeimage_3Laid Off or Set Free

New date – Saturday, 21 March –
9am – 5pm –

Hotel Derek (in 
the Galleria Area)
Lunch included

To register: www.laidofforsetfree.com