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"/> Laid Off? or Set Free! - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Laid Off? or Set Free!

William Holt (my TriVergent International business partner) and I were talking the other day about so many people being laid off … and how that is a golden opportunity to change your life and move forward in a much more proactive way.  So we decided to be a part of the solution.

This Tuesday, 10 March, we are going to premiere our solution by holding a one-day Shapeimage_5
workshop that focuses on ditching the fear and stress that sometimes accompanies being laid off. Then once the fear is allayed, to open to what is Really Important in the heart of hearts – what's now on offer that wasn't previously noticed. And how do I create what I Really Want To Do With My Life!

Adriana Holt has created a website for it … www.laidofforsetfree.com

Check it out!