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"/> Inauguration Day - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Inauguration Day

Today Rebecca (my daughter) and Chase (my 8-week-old grandson) and I watched Joe Biden and then Barack Obama be sworn in as VP and President of the United States. I cried. I don't even know why exactly. I suspect it's what always gets me – the nobility of the human spirit to rise to the occasion – the pursuit of excellence, the full effort to be the best – not for competition's sake, but for the sake of being all there is to be in that moment.

I have felt that way watching Olympic athletics give their all. I got all choked up watching Rebecca's high school friend, Arden, dig deep in the last part of a long-distance race to pull out all the stops about 20 feet from the finish line – she was sheer guts. I am inspired by anyone who shows up fully. I feel more hopeful about who we are as human beings, what we can do to add our part of this amazing journey DSCN0306 called Life.

And then there is Chase. Eight weeks old, and all he knows is how to be fully who he is the moment. He came that way. Just try to put a pacifier in his mouth when he doesn't want it. He doesn't apologize, he just spits it out. He's not hiding who he is. nor is he puffing himself up. What you see is what you get, and he gives all he has to whatever he's doing at that moment.

Today I saw examples of this everywhere – William (Holt) and Adriana (Holt) and I put it all on the table and resolved a difficulty in a matter of minutes. ALL on the table.

Barack – all on the table. Chase – all on the table. William, Adriana, and I – all on the table.

Something's happening in the world … can you feel it?

1 Response

  1. I am having a similar experience where I know life is calling me to show up more fully in my authenticity each moment. I am in the midst of a rift in the force so to speak that is allowing me to notice where I have wanted to hold onto my old perceptions, views, have to’s. The old familiar feelings of self righteousness and victimhood are vying for their seats in the forefront of my reactivity and I, merely watching, am choosing to stay present with my teachers – the lifeshocks; the moments of interaction where my buttons feel pushed. All has a purpose to reach me, to raise the energy – to increase my human awareness and provide another glimpse at humility. I am grateful.
    Love, Tina Marie