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"/> Hopium - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.



Hopium (hope-ee-um) – a new word I learned during a casual conversation with Tina Marie Jones.  As soon as she said it, I knew exACTly what she meant. I've experienced that drug personally and professionally. I just had never named it as such.

Addiction to hopium can happen to anyone – lovers, friends, parents, business people, sports people, professionals and wanna-be's in every arena. 

Hopium – a mental drug that dulls down everything I don't want to see and brightens up the least little detail that affirms what I DO want to see; and if there are no clues, I make it up to suit my best-case scenario. Symptoms: asking friends what They think; harboring secret doubts, but not telling anyone; defending myself/others to everyone else; exaggerating positive traits, excusing bad behavior, etc.

ImagesExample – I knew in my heart of hearts that this man was Mr. Right Now, and not Mr. Right (for me). BUT, he was so much of what I wanted in a relationship, and I was ready for The Relationship. My Reticular Activating System was true to my visualization and kicked to the curb all data that contradicted my fantasy. 

When hopium wears off and can no longer repel the relentless invasion of reality, there is usually a crash into utter despair, complete with accusations of being a fool, stupid, naive, etc. Then the usual fatal predictions of never having what I really want; and now I can't even have second best, etc.

Hopium – the drug of choice for millions of people (and millions of times!) 

(The cure – being awake and telling the truth, which can be painful in the short term, but ultimately relieving, empowering, and faithful.) 


6 Responses

  1. Oh dear, and thank you once again. Perfect timing for me to read this, Ann. I’ve been taking some hopium, and now I’m breaking the habit. Luckily, I haven’t hit utter despair; I hope I won’t.
    Interesting that I’m concurrently trying to break the chocolate addiction. Are they related?
    Love you,

  2. Peter C Remington

    Hopium is a very powerful drug. It can keep you off your purpose path for years. The only cure is HINAM. This is a painful drug that gets people to realize that. Hope Is Not A Method! PCR

  3. That’s the kind of image that i really thing is super image like. If more images very real like this were out there we’d be super full of graet images in the world.