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"/> Free Will - Part 3 - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Free Will – Part 3

Free Will – I get to choose whether to be my bad self or my good self. My bad self has fun in a temporary way, causing long term Not-Fun. Freely choosing my Good Self, aka my Real Self, has a simplicity to it that is undeniable. It's easy to love and be loved – it's how we're made.

The problem arises when that is not easy, when it requires Self Mastery – making a stand that won't be popular, telling truths that are hard to hear, knowing when to keep my opinions to myself (especially when they are not asked for), keeping my word to myself when I don't want to, keeping my word to others when I don't want to … i.e., living in integrity with myself, with others and with Life/God/The Force.

Manndi Schuld and I were just communicating about that … she calls it the Righteous Life. With that Images choice comes respect for myself and others, an honoring of all our samenesses and differences, an unconditionally loving space that heals and connects and manifests ingenious solutions. And for sure, we ultimately take responsibility for living the life we are uniquely positioned to live, that no one else can live like we can, that is OURS to contribute to the rest of the world. It means constant evolution, constant letting go of behaviors that are no longer viable, constant acquiring of new neural pathways that are more congruent with this current refinement of Who We Are.

That choice, freely made, can never be made automatically. Automaticity is the realm of addictions and self indulgence. Choosing the Righteous Life is a moment by moment choice – on offer 24/7 – regardless of how long we have enslaved ourselves.  And it is an act of will – either willful (like a spoiled brat) or willing -willing to step up, claim our place in the world, support others to claim their space in the world, and trust that that is enough in this moment.

1 Response

  1. Hi Ann
    I enjoy and am inspired by many of your postings, especially the most recent one on freedom – Freedom.
    In terms of free choice I’m not sure what you make of the following extract from a talk with Nisarghadattha Maharaj, a Bombay cigarette maked who died in 1981. Nisargadatta’s talks were collected in a book called “I Am That” and I have drawn deep solace and guidance from this book since I was 18
    Here are links to two (shortish)excerpts from the book