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"/> Being Bored - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Being Bored

ImagesBored – dictionary definition (mac computer) – feeling weary because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one's current activity.

Dr. Brad Brown's definition (delivered during a training to someone who was acting bored):  giving the finger to God; refusing to engage in the moment that is on offer – a moment in which there is an inherent opportunity to invest yourself fully, tell the truth completely and contribute to the sanctity of that moment. That moment is the only one on offer, you never get it back.

I've not been bored since!



3 Responses

  1. Kim Pearce

    Thanks for this one, Ann! Years ago I read that being bored was really about being angry that things aren’t different. That little insight has really helped me identify what’s going on with me in those moments, and I help my kids differently on the rare occasion they say they’re bored.

  2. I agree with you that boredom can be about anger and wanting things to be different, and the way that anger was being displayed by the guy in the training room was by withdrawing, kind of a supercilious superiority. The other way is to believe that this moment is a waste of my time, instead of an opportunity being handed to us on a silver platter to make a difference in that moment – to say what others are not saying, to add in whatever I am thinking that might shift the space.
    And your kids are mighty lucky!!! they have no idea (and wouldnt unless theyd been born to another mother!).