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"/> A Visionary's Issue - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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A Visionary’s Issue

This morning I had one of those conversations that reminded me of an issue that has been and can be a problem for me, if I'm not awake. I was skyping with Belynda Petrie, CEO of One World, an organization in South Africa that is devoted to sustainability. Belynda is a woman who has a global vision, plus a passionate heart, plus committed competence – she makes things happen, without a lot of fanfare.

Like Belynda, I feel passionate about a lot of things – being the best mother/grandmother possible, building a consultancy that impacts the sustainability of organizations, creating a healing community, making as much of a difference in the world as I can. Noble, eh? 

The issue is when my vision/goal consumes me to the point where the rest of my world isn't even a blip on my radar.  I lose perspective. Work/life balance? What's that? Who cares? I have a mission to accomplish or a child to raise or someone to make happy.

Richard Perry, another senior trainer in the More To Life program, once said, "Ann, you are more than a senior trainer." My thought at the time was, "So?" I didn't get it. So he said it a few more times over the ensuing years. Yes, years. A few years ago, I finally copped to what he was saying. 

Indeed, I am more than a mother/grandmother, more than a senior trainer, more than a partner in Images TriVergent International, more than a coach, etc.  *I* am all those things, and much more. My intention is to own my dreams/goals/visions, not be absorbed by them – to keep an eagle's perspective, seeing the whole landscape of my life, as well as those important details.

I keep coming back to the basics – balancing all three contexts of my life –  caring for my body/mind/spirit, attending to the relationships in my life, and devoting myself to the Big PIcture/God/Life/Universal Spirit/The Force.

Thank you, Belynda for reminding me .. and Richard for hanging in.