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"/> Feelings 3 - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Feelings 3

What's the big deal about feelings, anyway? They're unpredictable, unsustainable, sometimes coming out of nowhere, making mountains out of molehills and vice versa. Basically they define vagary – sometimes seemingly normal; oftentimes inexplicable, inappropriate, inconvenient, or just plain messy.

Sometimes they swamp us; sometimes we truncate their expression, even denying their existence. We exaggerate them, lie about them. Sometimes we are just plain clueless about them.

Ah, yes. Feelings seem to be the 'human' part of our being. Their main function, in my humble opinion, Imgres
is to make me aware of whether or not I'm telling the truth. Here's what I know for sure, for sure: know the truth, and the truth will make you free. If I don't feel free and easy in my skin, there is always a lie somewhere contaminating my peace of mind. 

How I know I'm not free – I feel some form of isolation (like a prison) – isolated either from the best in myself, or from any other person, or from experiencing the moment – and usually all three. 

Imgres-2Bottom line:  feelings that separate/isolate me in some way (anger, hurt, sadness, fear, resentment, etc.) are born of lies. Feelings that connect/engage me in some way (love, joy, peace, satisfaction, gratitude, etc.) are born of truth. And that, my friends, is why they are so dang important. 

My job is to feel my feelings – discover any lies that are affecting the quality of my life – notice them, track them down (More To Life's Clearing Process), tell the truth, and be released from my self-imposed prison … and get about the business of enjoying my life and making a difference.

PS Don't believe me just because I say so. Check it out. Become a Truth Detective – see if that doesn't make a difference in your life.