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"/> Conscious Evolution for 2021 - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Conscious Evolution for 2021

Last year, in a Vision Webinar, one of my suggestions was to complete 3 sentences with words/phrases that would provide a personal rudder for the rest of the year. For 2020, my personal rudder was this:

I AM …. a Spiritual Warrior (that phrase has special meaning for me, so you want to choose something that resonates with your body, especially your “gut brain”).

I WILL … speak Truth (that also has special meaning for me as a guideline for several decades, and includes my evolving understanding that “Truth” means – facts plus compassion).

I AM BECOMING … patient and faithful. OK – THAT was the hardest one, and a commitment that I regretted often in 2020, as I was tested again and again – often failing, but committed to resilience and to keep going for it.


I am ….. (something essential to the core of your BEING)

I will …. (full commitment)

I am becoming …. (personal growth edge)

This year, mine are:

I am a Spiritual Warrior (this one still rings for me).

I will follow my heart and trust my gut (an outcome of 2020’s patience and faithfulness).

I am becoming a force for healing in the world. (OK, I know this one is going to bite, requiring me to course correct divisive actions, words, attitudes – BUT, I can already guarantee it will stretch me out of my ego. YIKES! ).

What might be your statements/rudder for 2021?

1 Response

  1. Bruce Mulkey

    Thanks for this, Ann! I hope to enroll Shonnie and Gracelyn into this process before the week is out. Happy New Year!