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"/> Christmas in two parts - 1st part - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Christmas in two parts – 1st part


First we had the Kuhn Family Christmas, made extra special this year by the birth of Chase Austin Kuhn (4 weeks old) – my favorite pic is here to the left … me and Mr. Chase, aka Chase-man, Brother, Grumbles, Stink-pot (a well deserved name – he being Prince of Farts – not saying who the King is).

But I digress (already). Christmas morning started off at 5am for Hayleigh and Troy – the first of their annual Christmas morning duck hunting rituals. Yep, I grew up with my first BB gun when I was 5 years old, Hayleigh is only 4. Her father is giving her weapons safety instructions, just like my dad did. By the time I was 12 years old, I was a crack-shot with a rifle. I expect she will be the same.

 Here's Hayleigh with her Daisy BB gun, and with her Dad – the black spot is Rocket,DSC01985_3
hunting dog of great reknown.
The day before Christmas, they also went duck hunting. There were two bright spots that Hayleigh couldn't wDSC01982_3ait to share.  First, they "limited out;" and second, she got to pee on the grass. For her, those bright spots might have been reversed! It's all about perception!

Santa came while they were duck hunting, so when they arrived back at the house, after a very timely call from Troy, the cookies had been eaten, the milk had been drunk, there was a note from Santa, especially for Hayleigh, and the Christmas tree was surrounded by presents! And Santa left his hat!

 This is Hayleigh (after a bath and breakfast – yes she waited patiently all that time before opening presents – I am quite impressed) pausing graciously long enough to have yet another picture taken … in her most Tinkerbell-like pose … she had more presents to unwrap. Notice the left arm akimbo – yeah, patient – like her Grann.

Later in the day, we ate a most delicious meal, prepared by a most appreciated cook, Rebecca – here is a pic of her and Chase, and Troy and the kids.DSC01961

The thing I discovered this Christmas is how much pure delight it is to see the wonder in a child's eyes, especially when the gift is from Santa Claus!

We opened our gifts one at a time, thanking the giver.

I feel absolute gratitude for the gift of my life, the gift of a truly loving family – both nuclear and extended, and for feeling joy – this has been a very fulfilling Christmas in all the most sacred ways.

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